Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Naked and Famous

So...I've decided with all certainty that I absolutely DO NOT want to teach high school English for the rest of my life. I am fairly certain that I do not want to teach high school English for the rest of the next four years. Trouble is, I've also decided that I pretty much don't want to teach High School Anything. I want something else entirely.

I want to be Naked and Famous.

Like the song. A band called Presidents of the United States of America (who's initials, beautifully enough, are POTUSA) has a great song called "Naked and Famous." The chorus goes like this:

"Everybody wants to be naked and famous;
Everybody wants to be just like me, I'm naked...and famous."

I would give the rest of the lyrics, but you should download it for yourself if you haven't heard it. It's great. Anyway, I love this song, because I think it pretty much sums up what I would really LOVE to be right now: naked and famous.

I suppose I just have this mental image of somebody being completely, totally shameless, despite the fact that everyone's watching; maybe not literally naked (or maybe so...that could be fun) but more like... completely unafraid, completely unashamed to be and to do what you want no matter who's paying attention. I suppose this is just me being frustrated with having to censor everything for the tender ears of teenagers (cough, cough), but it's just such a lovely idea, naked and famous. Unabashedly doing...whatever... and having the guts to say to the cameras, who the fuck cares? I'm happy with it, and I don't care who else is.

Wouldn't that be nice?