Sunday, September 30, 2007

Shameless Displays of Happiness

Just a thought for the week...

Friday, I went home pissed as hell. I discovered that teachers are not compensated at all for staying after school or showing up early. Despite the fact that we sign in and out everyday, as if it were a computerized time clock (which is what I thought it was), we are only payed for our time in school that occurs between 7:45 and 3:30. Now. Here's the shit kicker. I get to school at 7:30 or earlier every morning, and I leave around 4:00 every afternoon, and this is not counting how much work I do at home grading papers and other such bullshit. I don't get paid for a minute of that time. Not overtime, not comp time, not even extra sick or annual leave (of which I have none, I might add). So, an already frustrated teacher was made even more frustrated by the system. Baah. Needless to say, I started the weekend in the worst sort of mood.

Well, here's where the loveliness came in.

I got home Friday afternoon, and Reiko was working until nine or later, so I decided to go by the store and see her -- it gave me an excuse to go by the bookstore and pick up the latest Entertainment Weekly and perhaps (gasp) yet another chick lit novel (I ended up buying The Jane Austen Book Club...nifty book so far). On the way there, I got a little lost and somehow ended up cruising down Franklin Street. There were people everywhere... and there was a bluegrass band playing on the lawn of a very fancy house nearby, with tons of hippies sprawled out on the lawn with children and dogs climbing over them as if they were human jungle gyms. I thought, bitterly at first, I wish I was having that much fun. And then, I looked over to my left as the stoplight turned green, and I saw a woman walking by one of the sorority houses. She was on the sidewalk, and there was a very tall picket fence separating the lawn of the sorority house from the sidewalk, and spilling over the fence was this -- pardon the corny word -- cascade of pink roses. The woman looked to be about sixty, dressed in black, carrying bags from Food Lion and Dollar General, and would have looked pitiful if it hadn't been for what she was doing. She stopped as I passed by, set down the bags, took one of the roses in her hands and dove into it face first, just inhaling that rose smell. She had her eyes closed and just breathed in all of that rose that she possibly could. I couldn't help but think, how many people literally stop to smell the roses? That's one of those things that people tell you to do, one of those metaphorical cliches that they use all the time in movies, but how many times do you see somebody actually stopping to smell roses?

Two days later, today, actually, the Tanakas and I went to Carrboro for the Carroboro music festival, and on the way back, I saw a girl on a bicycle. Just like the woman on the sidewalk on Franklin street, I saw her for just an instant, but it stayed with me. She was pedalling along, looking very intent on her destination, until she leaned back and flung her arms out and just coasted the way down the hill with her arms out as if she was trying to hug the world. When we passed her, she even had her eyes closed, and she was smiling with the sunset on her face.

I just couldn't help but think... it isn't often that we catch somebody putting on a shameless display of happiness, much less indulge in one ourselves. I guess somebody upstairs is trying to tell me something. I keep having this mental image of God rolling eyes at me, as usual, and thinking, "Jesus, Errn. Cheer the fuck up."

Maybe I should indulge in a little shameless display of happiness.


mandalyn13 said...

So, can I just say, that your post made me fall in love with you. Not that I wasn't already . .. but it was a good reminder. And I love your about you. Absolutely love it.

abby huggins said...

beautiful moments of rose smelling and world hugging. a blessing to observe them. a joy to live them. hope you're finding more moments like those. know that you are loved tremendously.