Friday, November 9, 2007


Gyaaaahhh, I hate it when communication gets all fucked up.
I think that I have a habit of assuming that everything is settled when it isn't in other people's minds, so I make plans accordingly, and then end up feeling like a royal bitch for making plans that end up ruining somone else's. Kind of like right now. I think I should just start flying by the seat of my pants and not make plans at all (of course, then, things would REALLY be fucked up because everybody's plans would be ruined except mine, because I wouldn't have any). Argh.
I kind of desperately want to crawl in a hole; I feel like I've somehow managed to waste the last two weekends when I could have been doing something useful like visiting my family so my mother can have her Erin fix and my grandparents will stop sending me guilt-trip phone calls about how they've forgotten what I look like. Or maybe going up to Boone to re-center myself. Or...something. Truth is, I want to stay here, I want to have people over, and I want to sit around and play hostess like I used to back when I lived at College Place -- watching Scrubs and The Daily Show on my sofa sipping wine/beer/improvised mixed drinks and slowly getting tipsy while laughing at the television and my friends' latest antics. God, I miss that sofa. It was a great sofa. Still is, only now it's my brother's, because it was too much trouble to move down the stairs and onto a horse trailer that was temporarily serving as a makeshift U-Haul.
I'm heading to Yadkinville in about a half-an-hour, and I'm typing this while I should be throwing shit in the car (not literally; that would be a sight, wouldn't it?), and I feel like a royal bitch for not making sure that everything was settled before I let someone talk me into doing something else.
Who knows? Maybe I'll still have a fantastic weekend. I'm just so tired. And I tend to freak out unnecessarily about miscommunication, especially when I feel like its my fault.
Sorry, everyone. Love you muchly anyway. Hope sincerely that the only weekend I ruined was my own.

1 comment:

mandalyn13 said...

Twas a good weekend, all things considered. Still planning on coming up next weekend, if that's ok?

Miss that sofa too. And you. And . . . a lot of things.

Trying to embrace where I am. Haha that's Abby language. Trying not to punch anyone in the nose . . .

Love, Amanda