Sunday, April 6, 2008

My Right Foot

Hmph. I hate being injured.

I have managed, ever so gracefully, to bust my ass. Or, well, more accurately, my ankle. It's quite purple and puffy and now because of all the blood pooling down there half of my foot, even the uninjured part, is also turning bluish purple. Bah.

For about the last thirty six hours, I have been watching movies, eating, and rotating a heating pad and a bag of frozen peas over my blasted ankle. I really want to get out of the house, I'm not sure if I can drive at all, and every time I so much as hobble to the laundry room and stand up for more than fifteen minutes, I start to hurt. Alot.

I REALLY don't do this injured thing well.

Which made me think about people who are in bed all the time for various illnesses and injuries. HOW CAN PEOPLE SURVIVE THIS WAY FOR EXTENDED PERIODS OF TIME? I haven't even been like this for two days and I'm already frustrated and pissed off and starting to lose some of my mental clarity.

...although it was AWFULLY nice to have such great nursemaids/friends/general company keepers around for the weekend. They brightened things up considerably.

Just needed to rant a minute to get this out of my system. May you all avoid tree branches that would incapacitate you for a whole weekend.

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